Where Have I Been ? 

   Hey loves! I know it’s been awhile since we’ve last caught up with one another especially since I went on a little hiatus for a month, but I guess that’s not that little. Anyway, one month has done a lot of justice for me in terms of planning and getting a few things set in place for future endeavors. 

     Well, there was a lot going on as far as school goes. For those in school, I don’t know why professors do this but they’ll pile assignment after assignment and force us to crank out an enormous amount of work in three weeks or less. I simply don’t understand the logic behind it, honestly I see it as more stress for them in the long run but what do I know ? Honestly, this case of senioritis is kicking my butt thanks to this beautiful weather. December equals freedom, but it also means I’m a full time adult now which includes student loans. I’m excited and nervous for what’s in store next, but I’m going to take things one course at a time until I’m finished. 

Outside of that, this month was spent planning and packing for Spring Break. I planned on having Follow Me posts throughout the week, but procrastination killed that idea. Lesson learned, never pack the day before a long trip- ever ! My break consisted of Atlanta, Vegas, and LA; needless to say, I was completely exhausted once I made it back home, but it’s a trip I’ll never forget and plan to revisit soon.

Upon my arrival back to Sweet Home Alabama, my allergies and asthma decided to make it their business to reek havoc. I’m a huge baby when I’m sick, plus I haven’t been ill in nearly 3 years so this popping up hit hard for me. I didn’t want to do anything- literally. Due to doctors orders, I’ve been confined to the house with nasty medicine and an even worse illness. (I’ve snuck out to go to work and a dinner date every once in a while, but that’s our little secret.) Thankfully, I’ve gotten a lot better and the cabin fever has relinquished its hold on me. (Insert praise dance here!)

In other news, I’ve started dating someone and that’s an entire explanation all in itself. Reason being, he’s an ex. I know, I know, red flags everywhere but we decided to work on things due to our long history together. I’ll vent and ask my inside questions on Saturdays, as usual. Speaking of dating, check out my latest Single Lady post to get a little insight on now the dating life was treating me. Let me tell you, casual dating has really reminded me why I like being in a relationship. Oh, y’all thought Single Lady Saturday was leaving because of that- oh no!

  But I am back and I have so much in store to share with you all, I’m already working on a big project and I can’t wait to spill the beans about it! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed sharing this. 

      Talk to you later, 

                    Leah La’Rae 😘


Single Lady Saturday: Dating Again 


   Hey loves! Seems like I always pop back up on Saturday, huh? I know it’s been a while since I’ve come and talked to you all, but a hiatus was definitely needed which I will update you all about soon; first I want to discuss something that has made its way into my life again- dating. Now, don’t get me wrong, dating sounds all good and fun but in a world of “Netflix & Chill” and “talking” where does the actual courting begin? 

   Here’s a better question to begin with, what exactly is dating? Seriously, think of your ideal meaning of dating… Got it? Mine consists of multiple dates and not just the usual dinner and movies. Maybe go bowling, go on a hike, or go to a gun range, all the while learning more of and from one another outside of their social media personality. I even want the random phone calls that last for hours; If another guy asks me for my IG or SnapChat information before asking about my favorite color or my hometown- I might hit him, seriously; the sad part about this is, most of this seems to be a huge push to receive from anyone thanks to how the media plays a part in the way we’re courted. 

   And let’s touch on this detail for a second; as harmless as the photo above is, cell phones cause the biggest headache when trying to spend quality time with someone. It distracts you from truly spending time with whoever you’re with and taking the time to be in the moment, not on SnapChat. And yes, I’ve been a cell phone junkie so I know exactly how annoying this can be on both ends of the issue. I realized how bad it was when I was told that my SnapChat story was more important than the story he was indulging in; embarrassing isn’t the only emotion I felt when he said it, but it was the truth and I needed to hear it. So, put the phone down, save yourself the headache, and get to know the person you’re with. It’s okay to disconnect from media and actually be social. 
   And yes, I know the overall goal of dating is to find the person of your dreams and fly off into the sunset but I challenge you to just have fun. No, I’m not saying to forget your morals and turn into Thotomus Prim or anything but don’t stress the big leap and stress the journey of truly finding someone worth your time and love. It may not be love on first sight, but it could be a great date and you meet a good person or it could be horrible and turn into a hilarious story later on. Who knows? 

   Bad dates are the worst and I’ve been on a few of them; What are your views on dating or some of your hilarious horrible date stories? Comment down below! As always, thank you for reading and I hope you liked it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

    Talk to you later, 

           Leah La’Rae 😘