Single Lady Saturday 

   Hey loves! I hope everyone had a great week- welcome to the weekend! I’m so glad I was able to squeeze in a break to discuss a topic that I and a few of my male friends have spoke on multiple times this week- independence in a relationship. Specifically, can one truly be independent while in a relationship? At first, I was on board for a woman being completely independent in a relationship meaning she has her life issues and he has his but the longer I thought about it my views began to change. 

   *Disclaimer: this topic ties to men as well, but I’m not a man and I’m not going to attempt to discuss that side of things lol.

   Have you ever heard the saying, “What is a Queen without a King… Well, historically- stronger.” ? Why is she stronger? What about her weakened when she was introduced to her King? If a woman is completely independent, there shouldn’t be anything that gets in the way of whatever she has in place but that’s usually not the case. As women, we depend on our men to be our rock when needed regardless of how large or small an issue may be; we plunge into anything he’s into (that’s of significant importance) in an effort to bridge the gap to becoming one and building a stronger bond. So, there’s my one and the only strike- emotional dependence. 

   But why is the emotional dependence so significant to women that it hinders our overall independence? Women are and will always be the most intellectual, but some don’t realize that. Being emotional individuals by nature and instinctively wanting to depend on him the same way we want him to depend on us, but where or is there a line that can’t be crossed to withhold true independence? I asked 10 women: 5 married and 5 single what they thought of this. Surprisingly, there isn’t. There has to be a form of dependence in order for the relationship to work properly. If I can’t come to you in whatever mood I’m in then how can you expect me to accept whatever mood you’re in- It’s a 50/50 trade off. Besides what’s the point of having a partner if I can’t express myself and depend on him or vise versa? 

   As a woman, our independent is still there but our sight of things shifts when in a relationship- depending on how serious we are about it. Of course there are extremities to the emotional dependence but the one I’m speaking of can be a beautiful thing if your partner is just an invested as you are. 

   “He becomes her strength and she becomes his weakness.” 

   “Behind every successful man is a strong woman.”

   There are a plethora of quotes on the subject of how a woman strengthens and adds power to any relationship; this is why I think women become emotionally invested so deeply. Can it hinder us? Sometimes, but that’s only if we let it. The emotional dependence shouldn’t cause confusion, insecurity, or naïve thoughts but it should bring strength, clarity, and security; the key to that is truly knowing your worth as the Queen you are. That is the baseline of how anyone will automatically know how to treat you overall, so it’s kind of huge deal. Knowing your worth, will give you the serenity you need so when in a relationship that will only increase and better the bond between one another. 

   I could speak on this all day, but papers need to be typed and presentation need to be made. I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed sharing it. Let me know your opinion on today’s topic down below; I’d love to hear from you all. Follow me on Instagram @LeahLaRae__ and LeahLaRae on Snapchat for my everyday antics. Until next time…

     Talk to you later, 

         Leah La’Rae 😘

Dreams Are Built Overnight Review

     Hey loves, I hope everyone has had an awesome week; things have been insane here since it’s GPA Awareness month and final exams have begun-let me tell you, teachers have a great way of piling on everything all at once. Granted, I’ll cover all of that on a different day but today i wanted to discuss something and someone who has entered my life and little does he know has begun a change in my life by opening the opportunity of being around like minded people. Have you ever been brought into a situation where you found yourself seriously reevaluating yourself and seeing the greatness ahead if you incorporate blind faith and hard work? And I’m not talking about a few flaws here and there, but getting to a point where you find that it’s not your environment but the deep issues that are harbored and have stunted your growth in your most loved ventures. I was brought into an open and successful environment from a close friend and personal trainer, Tyler George and to this day I’m more thankful for that now than ever before.

    Let me introduce you to David Shands- founder of SleepIs4Suckers, an inspirational speaker, life coach, entrepreneur, author, and from what I know about this man- he is nowhere near where I think he can go. So, a little background information on his story: from a below average high schooler to a college dropout to an entrepreneur on the rise to bigger and better things. His unique brand SleepIs4Suckers is geared toward the everyday person working to make their daydream into a reality and follow the “work now, sleep later” mentality. Established is 2010, his brand has expanded from a small start up with wristbands to a complete clothing line with catchy slogans that force one to hold themselves accountable for the time spent working toward their dreams. Dreams Are Built Overnight touches on key trials many face when wanting to become an entrepreneur, but also points out gives life lessons along the way and he also share his strategies during the beginning stages in entrepreneurship.


   1 week, Spring Break to be exact. I didn’t want to go out or do anything if it didn’t align with the dreams I have visualized on my board back home. I almost felt guilty for doing anything outside of reading this because all I wanted to do was continue to learn. I can honestly say that this book is proof that no one should be afraid to enjoy the process of being a work in progress. Never be afraid of a small or humble beginning, because what you consider as small can be a huge step of faith to another person.

                 I took notes on notes on notes, literally as a way to see where I have gone wrong and why my passion for writing began to dwindle. So, this book was a way of therapy for me because I was in search of a business answer to use to excel my progress but instead I had a huge wake up call to reevaluate myself. The frustrations and growth is painful, but one can one just cease their work because things tough nor can we allow our worry to shake our blind faith to become the person we are destined to become. 

   If I were asked what my favorite chapter would be, I couldn’t tell you and it’s because if I were to pick one or a few chapters then the full message wouldn’t be completely comprehensible, but my biggest takeaways from this novel is:

  1. Be like Nike- just do it, wholeheartedly. Just start with what you have and the rest will come along.
  2. We don’t plan to fail, we fail to plan. 
  3. Tunnel Vision is what will keep you on track when the stresses of everyday life comes along. 

   This book is a page turner that is made so simple that there is no reason for someone to remain lost unless they just don’t read the book. This is definitely for the ones who want to hear the hard truths and insight on certain aspects of building a better self, I mean you are a walking brand whether you want to start a business or not. 
   I highly recommend this book and following his journey; even now, I’m up working and listening to a conference call with likeminded individuals who are just as insightful and hungry for success. I truly love the family of people I have come into contact with over social media and in person. I’m telling you, it’s insane what one can learn and begin to do when you change your environment and yourself to begin to divulge into exactly what has been destined for you. 

   Alright guys, I could go into depth on this book by chapters but we’d be here all day. You can find David Shands on and @SleepIs4Suckers on Instagram. As always, thank you for reading along and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed sharing it. You can find me @LeahLaRae__ on Instagram and LeahLaRae on Snapchat- I love connecting with you all. Until next time! 

          Talk to you later, 

                 Leah La’Rae 😘

Where Have I Been ? 

   Hey loves! I know it’s been awhile since we’ve last caught up with one another especially since I went on a little hiatus for a month, but I guess that’s not that little. Anyway, one month has done a lot of justice for me in terms of planning and getting a few things set in place for future endeavors. 

     Well, there was a lot going on as far as school goes. For those in school, I don’t know why professors do this but they’ll pile assignment after assignment and force us to crank out an enormous amount of work in three weeks or less. I simply don’t understand the logic behind it, honestly I see it as more stress for them in the long run but what do I know ? Honestly, this case of senioritis is kicking my butt thanks to this beautiful weather. December equals freedom, but it also means I’m a full time adult now which includes student loans. I’m excited and nervous for what’s in store next, but I’m going to take things one course at a time until I’m finished. 

Outside of that, this month was spent planning and packing for Spring Break. I planned on having Follow Me posts throughout the week, but procrastination killed that idea. Lesson learned, never pack the day before a long trip- ever ! My break consisted of Atlanta, Vegas, and LA; needless to say, I was completely exhausted once I made it back home, but it’s a trip I’ll never forget and plan to revisit soon.

Upon my arrival back to Sweet Home Alabama, my allergies and asthma decided to make it their business to reek havoc. I’m a huge baby when I’m sick, plus I haven’t been ill in nearly 3 years so this popping up hit hard for me. I didn’t want to do anything- literally. Due to doctors orders, I’ve been confined to the house with nasty medicine and an even worse illness. (I’ve snuck out to go to work and a dinner date every once in a while, but that’s our little secret.) Thankfully, I’ve gotten a lot better and the cabin fever has relinquished its hold on me. (Insert praise dance here!)

In other news, I’ve started dating someone and that’s an entire explanation all in itself. Reason being, he’s an ex. I know, I know, red flags everywhere but we decided to work on things due to our long history together. I’ll vent and ask my inside questions on Saturdays, as usual. Speaking of dating, check out my latest Single Lady post to get a little insight on now the dating life was treating me. Let me tell you, casual dating has really reminded me why I like being in a relationship. Oh, y’all thought Single Lady Saturday was leaving because of that- oh no!

  But I am back and I have so much in store to share with you all, I’m already working on a big project and I can’t wait to spill the beans about it! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed sharing this. 

      Talk to you later, 

                    Leah La’Rae 😘


Single Lady Saturday: Dating Again 


   Hey loves! Seems like I always pop back up on Saturday, huh? I know it’s been a while since I’ve come and talked to you all, but a hiatus was definitely needed which I will update you all about soon; first I want to discuss something that has made its way into my life again- dating. Now, don’t get me wrong, dating sounds all good and fun but in a world of “Netflix & Chill” and “talking” where does the actual courting begin? 

   Here’s a better question to begin with, what exactly is dating? Seriously, think of your ideal meaning of dating… Got it? Mine consists of multiple dates and not just the usual dinner and movies. Maybe go bowling, go on a hike, or go to a gun range, all the while learning more of and from one another outside of their social media personality. I even want the random phone calls that last for hours; If another guy asks me for my IG or SnapChat information before asking about my favorite color or my hometown- I might hit him, seriously; the sad part about this is, most of this seems to be a huge push to receive from anyone thanks to how the media plays a part in the way we’re courted. 

   And let’s touch on this detail for a second; as harmless as the photo above is, cell phones cause the biggest headache when trying to spend quality time with someone. It distracts you from truly spending time with whoever you’re with and taking the time to be in the moment, not on SnapChat. And yes, I’ve been a cell phone junkie so I know exactly how annoying this can be on both ends of the issue. I realized how bad it was when I was told that my SnapChat story was more important than the story he was indulging in; embarrassing isn’t the only emotion I felt when he said it, but it was the truth and I needed to hear it. So, put the phone down, save yourself the headache, and get to know the person you’re with. It’s okay to disconnect from media and actually be social. 
   And yes, I know the overall goal of dating is to find the person of your dreams and fly off into the sunset but I challenge you to just have fun. No, I’m not saying to forget your morals and turn into Thotomus Prim or anything but don’t stress the big leap and stress the journey of truly finding someone worth your time and love. It may not be love on first sight, but it could be a great date and you meet a good person or it could be horrible and turn into a hilarious story later on. Who knows? 

   Bad dates are the worst and I’ve been on a few of them; What are your views on dating or some of your hilarious horrible date stories? Comment down below! As always, thank you for reading and I hope you liked it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 

    Talk to you later, 

           Leah La’Rae 😘


Single Lady Saturday 

   Hey loves and welcome back to another addition of Single Lady Saturday! Have you ever gone through a series of relationships and determined your standards of men from the past lessons you’ve dealt with ? I have, big time. Truthfully, it came during a fresh breakup where I truly started to see what I needed in a man in order for me to completely submit myself to him. 

       I’ve taken my last three relationships and compiled a list of Do’s and Don’ts that I require and would prefer in a man outside of looks. Surprisingly, all of the Don’ts that were skipped over in the past were completely my fault due to me focusing more on the positive aspects of the man. In most cases, that’s a good thing until you begin to compromise your list in order to keep the relationship together. Numerous times, I’ve seen warning signs and ignored them because the good outweighed the bad; in reality, those signs were the ones I needed to pay attention to and run for the hills. When you’re in love with the idea of what you want, you lose sight of who the person is and what they truly can/cannot give you. With that being said, you can overlook the person’s inability or unwillingness to give you the things you need in a relationship- which is painful, but it’s helpful. Learning this was difficult, but after spewing my feelings to a man I was in love with only to see him switch his relationship status to “In a Relationship” and posted photos of his new girl- I got the hint pretty quickly that I wasn’t in the right place at the right time, so I thought. 


   Having known how much I put into the idea of The One made me realize the essence of me and that alone is powerful. The emotion and passion that was awakened in me was incredible and I felt more balanced than ever before. It sucked to know the man I thought would be mine for the rest of my life turned out to be the man who taught me the biggest lesson so far. I’m thankful for the struggle and pain of the ordeal, honestly. In a way, he forced me to readjust my crown and resume my thrown as I know how by taking people for who they really are. Regardless of their promises- actions are literally everything. My favorite rules are:

  • “Every mistake made more than once is a decision.”
  • “If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, then 9/10 it’s a duck.” 

Seem like common sense, right? I said the same thing until I realized that I would overlook those rules just to continue with my relationship of the ideal of what I thought I wanted in my life. I can admit my faults and say my issue with men isn’t that my standards are impossibly high, but that I overlook too many things and accept certain aspects of him to keep the relationship together. I can also say that my standard of men has been raised higher than it ever has before; is it impossible? No, but the only man eligible to win me over have to be ready to work for me. 

   Overall, this learning process has been the most painful situation I’ve ever had to deal with and it sucks. The sleepless nights, wondering what he’s doing, doubting myself, dealing with my insecurities, etc.. was all worth the lessons that I’ve learned. I wasn’t ready for the next step nor was I with the man who would take that step with me without hesitation. For now, I’m focusing on self-development and making sure my career is set exactly how I want it to in order to reach my personal level of wholeness; Relationships will be on the back burner for a while. Besides, the man I date next isn’t competing with another man but the peace I have with myself while I’m by myself. 

   Life isn’t perfect and neither am I. I’m just here to try and share thoughts, frustrations, and sometimes answers to help someone else from dealing with the issues I’ve dealt with. Hopefully this helped someone or even can relate to anything you’re going through. Just remember that the frustration is temporary and there’s a light at the end of the tunnel that you’ll be thankful for. 

   Can anyone relate to today’s Single Lady topic? If so, let me know down below in the comment section. As always, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed sharing it. There are more posts coming soon, so stay tuned for more! 

       Talk to you later,  

            Leah La’Rae 😘

Vegetarian Transition Update 


   Hey loves and welcome back to my blog! I hope everyone is having a good day and the week is going well for everyone so far. Today I wanted to discuss my journey to becoming a Vegetarian. For starters, I’m having so much fun with this transition even though it has been a challenge. 

   This has been one of the funniest things I’ve come across since I’ve started this journey; Especially from people I know. Let me say something regarding my new lifestyle and everyone knows everything that has anything to do with nutrition or my favorite question is “Well, that’s great and all but what do you eat?” Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed this much from a lifestyle change. 

   Most accurate graph EVER! These questions are very frequent and kind of silly to me now, but that’s because of the research I’ve done; granted, I don’t judge anyone else if they decide to eat meat. I just answer any questions they may have and no, I don’t think I know everything and can argue with the best of them- Quite the contrary actually. I’ve learned that a lot of people know exactly what happens to their food they either 1) don’t care or 2) They try to buy cruelty free food which makes them feel better about eating meat. Which both are fine with me, but I can’t stand it when others attempt to force me back into that only lifestyle. The best thing about this is that I’ve met so many local vegatarians that have helped me tremendously with different recipes and just being overall encouraging. 

   Speaking of recipes- I have gone crazy in my kitchen. At first, I was completely lost on what I could and couldn’t eat, especially when it came to attempting to read food labels but after running to the Internet and picking up a few cookbooks from BooksAMillion I was all set as far as figuring out what to eat. I’ll be honest and say there was a point where I thought I could just jump all in.. Let’s just say I wasn’t a happy camper. So, don’t be like me- take your time. It’ll be easier on you, trust me. With that in mind, on very few occasions, I’ll have a cheat meal but it’s usually something small like fish since I used to be a Perscatarian. If I do have a cheat meal, I have to constantly remind myself that this is a transition so it’s okay to cheat just make them far and few and make sure it’s close to the diet you already follow. 

   Let’s talk the health and fitness side of things. When I started this I was only trying to get rid of my occasional migraines and stomach issues, but in the meantime I’ve lost a lot of weight- 15 pounds to be exact. (Starting Weight: 155, Current Weight: 140lbs) Crazy, right ? Overall, I have more energy and I feel better about myself; I focus more and I feel like I can think more clearly as well. Before I began this transition, I was working out 5 days a week for about an hour at minimum. Now, I workout maybe 3 times a week for 30-45 minutes. This exercise change is solely because now I’m a firm believer that it’s 80% diet, 20% gym time. I have to go back to my doctor for an annual check up soon, so I wonder if anything how have things there. 

Now, with all of that said, I’m not going to sugarcoat this: Yes, it’s hard. Yes, you’re going to want to give up. Yes, you’re going to go through a detox phase that isn’t fun. It’s so worth it though ! To know that you’re not only helping yourself but your environment and the animals that inhabit our world as well is an awesome feeling. 

   That’s it! Thank you all for reading and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you all. Let me know down below if you guys want to know a few of the things I eat or a grocery store list! 

       Talk to you later, 

           Leah La’Rae 😘

Single Lady Saturday 

   Hey loves and welcome back to Single Lady Saturday! Since the weekend is in full swing, I hope everyone is enjoying a little relaxation. For today, I wanted to touch on something I love to call “The Grey Area”. I thought of this while talking to a few friends and it caught me off guard at how easy it is to slip into this situation. Honestly, I’ve done it and it was the most confusing event I’ve ever dealt with. I say it was an event because of all of the drama that happened. 

   For whatever reason, we tend to want to make a relationship last especially when deep emotions were involved. Now, once you’ve crept into this “relationship” what next? Technically, y’all are single and could do whatever you want since you’re not entitled to anyone but you don’t want to step on anyone’s feelings. Any and everything is open for opportunity, but if no one attempts to find clarify in the situation nothing will change. 

   The Grey Area comes in two categories:

  1. Two Individuals Afraid to Move On (Don’t think they can find better, afraid to date again, etc…)
  2. Two Individuals Attempting to Figure Things Out to Further the Relationship 

   Guess what the difference is between the two? Drum roll please… COMMUNICATION. Given that I’m an extremely black and white person, this in-between area irks me more so than many of the people I don’t like. One moment, y’all are doing couple like things and everything is fine. On the other end, it’s a friendship vibe and a little distant. I don’t know about you, but the bipolar actions in the situation is not healthy nor should it become a normal issue to put up with. If there’s anything else, I choose category 2 to deal with because each person has a clear understanding as to what they’re working towards or dealing with. Category 1 is a pain in the butt-trust me. 


   During this time, you have to reevaluate who’s in your circle; you know, the people who are truly there for you-specifically the person you’re dealing with. Why are you in this situationship? Do you love them enough to allow this relationship to grow into something better? Why are you allowing this to continue? And those are just a few questions that may help you figure out what to do next, but the best thing I could tell you is patience and honesty. Patience because both of you must be ready to talk and figure things out together. Honesty because without it, this whole situation is a waste of time and don’t be afraid to be unapologetically open about everything.

   Let me not skip over the first category situation; truthfully, to not end up dealing with that comes with time and faith that things will be better by separating from that person. It is difficult, I’ve been through it and after nearly 3 years of a relationship, I didn’t immediately think things would get better. It’s okay to be a little depressed about things ending, but it’s never okay to continue to give yourself to someone when both of you know it’s time to let the relationship go. There’s nothing worse than beginning to resent someone because they’re not giving you the freedom you deserve since you all aren’t together. I mean, who wants to hear the famous line, “Why are you mad? We aren’t dating.” (My ex back then told me that, so trust me- let it go.) Who knows, maybe you all just need time apart and may come back to each other later or maybe Mr./Mrs. is right around the corner !

   Have you ever had to deal with a Grey Area relationship, if so, what’s the best advice could you give to someone dealing with it? Let me know in the comment section below. Thank you for reading along and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed sharing it. 

        Talk to you later, 

                 Leah La’Rae 😘


Single Lady Saturday 


   Hey loves and welcome back to another addition of Single Lady Saturday! To my new subscribers, this is just a day where I come and talk about random topics that a single lady deals with. Today’s post is special because Valentine’s Day is tomorrow!

   Fun fact about me, I’m a huge holiday person but this one has been a little difficult. I guess that because I’ve never not had a Valentine (and yes my mom counts ). Now that she’s remarried and everyone else in my family is in a relationship, my only Valentine is myself. As depressing as that may sound, I’m actually excited about having myself as a Valentine. Since I love holidays so much, I might as well do it up for myself just like I would do for someone else, right ?


     As a single woman, what is there to do when everyone is making out and lovingly starting at their significant other?  Here are a few ideas… 


    I think this one was kind of expected, but I love to take myself out to eat. I would get all dolled up, just to sit and eat preferably in a booth if there’s one open. During this time, I’ll read or people watch and believe me when I say people watching can be pretty comical. Since it’s a holiday, forget about a diet and enjoy your favorite cheat meal if you want. 

Spa Day 


   What lady doesn’t enjoy a good spa day? Most spas have a Valentine’s Day special, so a nice relaxing time at an affordable price (depending where you go) before a nice dinner would be amazing. Facial, mani/pedi, massage, a mud bath, whatever suits your fancy- do it! I promise you’ll love yourself even more once you’re done. 

Netflix & Chill 


   If you have Netflix, pick a show or 4 and binge- just go for it.Grap popcorn, chips, candy, or a smorgasbord of everything and have a Movie Night In. I love these, especially when you can invite some of your friends over to enjoy the binge-a-thon with you. Plus, this doesn’t require you to dress up or anything. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show(s)! 

Ladies Night  

    Another option for my movie lovers, go to the theater and see what’s playing; this is what I planned to do. Of course, it’s a must to dress up and invite your ladies out to have a good time. Maybe one can buy popcorn, someone can buy drinks, tickets can be split in half or you guys pay for each other’s ticket, whatever works for you guys. I like to do this more because I like to be out on the town. I mean, after the movie the Ladies Night could continue and everyone can grab a few drinks! (Drink Responsibly!)


   I love gifts whether I’m giving or receiving them, but in this case I would like to receive a few. In this case, go pick out your favorite flowers, candy, or for me- a huge teddy bear. Send them to yourself at work, home, or just pick them up yourself. For those who wonder what you’re doing, tell them or if you’re uncomfortable with telling them say it’s from a secret admirer or something aka yourself. And remember this is a day of love, so everything you do do it with love!

There you have it! I’m not entirely sure about what I’ll do, but it’ll be fun and full of love nonetheless. What are some Single Lady ideas you have in mind? Let me know in the comment section below. As always, I loved sharing my thought with you all and I hope you guys enjoyed it. Also, if I don’t get a chance to tell you all tomorrow- Happy Valentine’s Day!

        Talk to you later, 

                    Leah La’Rae 😘

Single Lady Saturday 


   Hi loves! I hope everyone has had a great week; welcome to the weekend! I’m so glad to have a break and relax. Well, today’s topic is- What do you want? This topic came up in a class discussion, with a room full of women and I guy (What are the odds,right?). I pondered on this for a while and it made me question do I seriously know what I want, career and personal wise but how can I answer this question when I have no idea where I’m headed? 



   Maybe it’s just me, but as a 21 year old woman, I can’t stand the feeling of not having any specific direction in my life but for whatever reason it’s complete acceptable. Literally, every aspect of my life is up in the air and no one says that it’s wrong. Why? I’m young, but three years ago I had to ask to go to the restroom. Seriously, how can they think this transition is possible? For starters, because it is. I know those who are my age can relate in a lot of ways. We’re prepared for our next step in life; we just have to figure out what that next step is. 

   And when it comes to dating, it’s no different. Being this young, most people say to go explore and have fun but when we do it’s an issue. Why? Who really knows- it still confuses me. I think this is the only time where my mom has NOT said anything about anyone I ask her about or that she sees me with. And if you knew how close my mom and I were, this would freak you out too. 

   So, what’s a woman to do when she feels lost? Nothing. 


   Well, not exactly nothings rather be still. Every instinct we have is a push or pull in the right direction to self. Meditate and understand where you are in life, as well as, where you want to be. We watched a video in class a few days ago that spoke on how our instinct is the greatest tool we can use in any situation. To think with a instinctual mind is far greater than an spontaneous mind because though it is a “feel” of a situation there is an intellectual side to it. The saying, “everything happens for a reason” is true because that reason, though as painful as it may be, is a turn in our direction in life towards our manifest destiny. We just have to be willing enough and in tune enough to see it. 

   This is where meditation comes in; with everything going on around us, it can seem difficult to take a second to relax without wanting to take a nap. (Trust me, I know how you feel. I love nap time!) The thing is, we cannot give to others that we do not have. That’s why you have to keep yourself in tacked or “full” with whatever you need to stay in line with yourself. This can be broken down to what your spirituality may be- not religion, spirituality. Specially, what you do to keep yourself full. For me, it’s grabbing a book and a cup of tea or yoga every other day. For you, it can be completely different and that’s okay. The point is to take a moment to appreciate where you are in your journey and begin to work on yourself from within. Besides, a Queen without direction is a dangerous thing and not in a good way. And you’re not alone; I have to do it too and will be, so we can do this together! 


   Have you ever thought about that, seriously thought about that? In another video I’ve seen recently, studies have proven that for us to be born again with the same parents and circumstances are 1 in 400,000,000,000- now, that’s saying something. Now, do you see how serious is it for you to figure you out? That’s crazy. This means, that whatever direction or path you’re supposed to be on has to be traveled by you. Meditate on yourself and find the balance of yourself; once you’ve tuned in, all you need is the willpower to get it done and trust me, you’re not always going to feel like it but it’ll be worth it in the end. No one wants to be “just fine” our goal is to live. We just have to stop screwing ourselves out of pure happiness and wholeness. 

    Overall, this week has been an eye opener that I can’t do it all and that’s okay. I can’t be everything for everyone or be everywhere for everything and that’s perfectly fine. I’ve stretched myself thin enough to realize that. What are your thoughts on this? What ways do you keep yourself in tune? Let me know down below! If you’re interested in the videos I mention earlier, here they are: How To Stop Screwing Yourself by Mel Robbins and Oprah Winfrey on Career, Life, and Leadership (both on YouTube). Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed sharing it…

       Talk to you later,  

           Leah La’Rae 😘

Boobs R Us

   Hey loves! I hope everyone is doing well; I know I have been amazing but busy nonetheless. I know this photo is a little out there, but this post is going to be on my journey through the breast augmentation process. I’ve gone back and forth of whether I would share this, but I thought it wouldn’t hurt plus I’d like to connect with those who may be thinking of getting this procedure done or have had it done. 

   **DISCLAIMER: If you’re against plastic surgery or any type of body enhancements, please exit this post; Any negative comments will be blocked from this blog.**

   Why plastic surgery? 

          For starters, I want to say that I absolutely love my body- flaws and all, but if there were one thing I could change about myself it would be the size of my boobs. (Yes, I say boobs cause breasts seems a bit more formal and this is just a fun conversation.) I’ve had the same size boobs since high school and honestly, I don’t feel completely in everything I wear or when I’m naked. For years, I’ve listened to my mom say that sooner or later the girls will grow in and everything will be fine but at 21, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not going to happen. Also, this surgery has NOTHING to do with attention seeking or wanting to impress some guy; I decided to do this because I want to feel more confident and comfortable with my breasts. So, why not get them done?

   What am I getting done? 

          Breast Augmentation; I decided on this because fat transfer to breast seemed too scary to me, honestly. 

   Who is my surgeon and where will my procedure be held? 

          My surgeon is going to be Dr. Deason C. Dunagan and my procedure will be held in the Dunagan, Yates, and Alison Plastic Surgery Center. 

   Nurse’s Consultantation 

          On Tueaday, I was able to visit the surgery center in Huntsville, AL and it was a very nice facility which was good. Everyone was extremely welcoming and open to answer any questions I had before while I was being checked in. My nurse was and is awesome- seriously! Nicest, most honest person I’ve met in a doctors office. She has me and my best friend watch a video that explained how my first consultation with my doctor would go, as well as, how the procedure will go. After that, we go to the good stuff- the implants. I am a 34B, so she had me wear a bra that was the sister size of that (32C) in order to see how and what kind of implant I wanted. I knew what size I wanted to be, but I had no idea what size implant that would equat to. I wanted to be a full C, small D cup range. She gave me two implants, one was 250CCs and the other was 400CCs; after seeing the difference I knew that the 400CC was exactly the look I wanted. When it comes to the decision of silicon or sailine, I had no doubt that I wanted sailine and that really just my personal preference. We also went over before and after photos just to see how each surgery differs from person to person. 

   Overall, the visit was great and extremely informative. It gave me confirmation that I am making the right decision for myself. I’ve already scheduled my next appointment with my surgeon, so I’m excited about that. I will keep you guys update on how things go; if anyone has any questions or have been through this before leave a comment below! I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you all… 

        Talk to you soon, 

                 Leah La’Rae 😘