Vegetarian Transition Update 


   Hey loves and welcome back to my blog! I hope everyone is having a good day and the week is going well for everyone so far. Today I wanted to discuss my journey to becoming a Vegetarian. For starters, I’m having so much fun with this transition even though it has been a challenge. 

   This has been one of the funniest things I’ve come across since I’ve started this journey; Especially from people I know. Let me say something regarding my new lifestyle and everyone knows everything that has anything to do with nutrition or my favorite question is “Well, that’s great and all but what do you eat?” Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever laughed this much from a lifestyle change. 

   Most accurate graph EVER! These questions are very frequent and kind of silly to me now, but that’s because of the research I’ve done; granted, I don’t judge anyone else if they decide to eat meat. I just answer any questions they may have and no, I don’t think I know everything and can argue with the best of them- Quite the contrary actually. I’ve learned that a lot of people know exactly what happens to their food they either 1) don’t care or 2) They try to buy cruelty free food which makes them feel better about eating meat. Which both are fine with me, but I can’t stand it when others attempt to force me back into that only lifestyle. The best thing about this is that I’ve met so many local vegatarians that have helped me tremendously with different recipes and just being overall encouraging. 

   Speaking of recipes- I have gone crazy in my kitchen. At first, I was completely lost on what I could and couldn’t eat, especially when it came to attempting to read food labels but after running to the Internet and picking up a few cookbooks from BooksAMillion I was all set as far as figuring out what to eat. I’ll be honest and say there was a point where I thought I could just jump all in.. Let’s just say I wasn’t a happy camper. So, don’t be like me- take your time. It’ll be easier on you, trust me. With that in mind, on very few occasions, I’ll have a cheat meal but it’s usually something small like fish since I used to be a Perscatarian. If I do have a cheat meal, I have to constantly remind myself that this is a transition so it’s okay to cheat just make them far and few and make sure it’s close to the diet you already follow. 

   Let’s talk the health and fitness side of things. When I started this I was only trying to get rid of my occasional migraines and stomach issues, but in the meantime I’ve lost a lot of weight- 15 pounds to be exact. (Starting Weight: 155, Current Weight: 140lbs) Crazy, right ? Overall, I have more energy and I feel better about myself; I focus more and I feel like I can think more clearly as well. Before I began this transition, I was working out 5 days a week for about an hour at minimum. Now, I workout maybe 3 times a week for 30-45 minutes. This exercise change is solely because now I’m a firm believer that it’s 80% diet, 20% gym time. I have to go back to my doctor for an annual check up soon, so I wonder if anything how have things there. 

Now, with all of that said, I’m not going to sugarcoat this: Yes, it’s hard. Yes, you’re going to want to give up. Yes, you’re going to go through a detox phase that isn’t fun. It’s so worth it though ! To know that you’re not only helping yourself but your environment and the animals that inhabit our world as well is an awesome feeling. 

   That’s it! Thank you all for reading and I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you all. Let me know down below if you guys want to know a few of the things I eat or a grocery store list! 

       Talk to you later, 

           Leah La’Rae 😘

The Beginning of a New Lifestyle 


   Hey loves! We’re a week into the new year and I’m not sure if it’s this gloomy weather or what, but all I want to do is practice yoga and relax. Anyway, from looking at the title and photo this is a little bit of different for this blog but it’s one that has been on my mind for a long time. 

   For the past few days, I have considered taking my diet to a different level. Given that I normally eat fruits, veggies, chicken, and seafood I thought I was doing great; I just wanted a different challenge. Tuesday evening one of my fitness inspirations and vegetarian, Aisha Thalia (@aishathalia on Instagram) posted a series of vidoes by a young lady giving insight on the realities of the meat industry. Granted, I have tried this before but it didn’t work because of my lack of self discipline and that I kind of threw everything out and tried to jump all in; which was a really bad idea. 


   Aisha Thalia, Erin Janus, and a few others have managed to bring out my awareness and compassion for the animals that are brutally killed and treated for our country to live off of. I highly recommend searching for Erin on YouTube for a quick and eye opening view of the meat, chicken, and fish industry. Also, another great documentary to look into is called “Forks Over Knives” that can be found on Netflix. Other than the scientific studies and other vegan supporters, I’ve had a few health issues that have been a problem for a while now which is one reason why I stopped eating red meats. So, I’ve decided to transition into a vegan just to see if cleaning my eating can make a difference with these issues. 

   Now, as any transition you have to have some sort of plan in place to successfully complete the overall goal. Personally, I’m wanting to make this a slow change because otherwise I’m going to end up stuffing my face with a spicy chicken sandwich or something of that nature and thinking of the chicken that sacrificed its life for my dinner. Yes, I’m being a little dramatic but you get the idea. Since I don’t consume red meats anymore, my next big change will be dairy and eggs. These two are the loves of my life, food wise, so I’m going to be on the hunt for a tasty replacement for the two. 


   I’m pretty excited about this new lifestyle change, and I mean look at the photo above- doesn’t it look delicious? I’ve started looking for different recipes to try so that I can know what to purchase once I go grocery shopping. I’ll definitely keep you all updated on how things go throughout this journey; if some of you would like to join along, the more the merrier !

   And done, this wasn’t anything major. I just wanted to share it with you guys. Plus, I know y’all will hold me accountable now and especially if I have a few of you join me on this journey. If anyone who knows any good vegetarian snacks, recipes, or want to share their favorite dish- leave your comment down below and maybe we can help each other out ! 

     Talk to you later, 

           Leah La’Rae 😘